by Joe | Dec 13, 2019 | Personal Blog, Song Shares
Last weekend was a special one for our family with our son’s baptism at St. Augustine’s. Family and friends welcomed him into the Church, and we had a big party afterwards, with food of which we’re still trying to finish. So, I wasn’t on the...
by Joe | Dec 2, 2019 | Music Ministry, Personal Blog, Song Shares
Today’s the first sunday of Advent. Light the advent candle one. Eleanor’s old enough this year that she’s excited for opening doors to the Advent calendars (one biblical, one chocolate) and asking about the candles being lit. Pretty cool. Anyways,...
by Joe | Jan 17, 2018 | Music Ministry, Personal Blog
Hi! I was just thinking it’d been a little awhile since I shared some thoughts here. Seeing how most of my musical attention is focused on music ministry at my parish of St. Augustine’s, I thought I’d start a series of short reflections on related...
by Joe | Apr 27, 2017 | Music Ministry, Personal Blog, Upcoming Shows
Refuge is a word that has been on my heart a lot over the past six months. Its cousin-word, “refugee”, has been very prominent in the news during the past few years, and for good reason. Thousands of Syrians left their homes to find a safer, healthier and...
by Joe | Feb 16, 2017 | Music Ministry
For the past 10 years, I have played an active roleĀ in music selection for the masses which I have led or co-led for Sunday liturgies, feast days, and retreats. During that time, I have done a lot of research and self-teaching to train myself on how to be better at...