Back in 2011, I wrote a theme song for the 128th Men’s Cursillo weekend in Ottawa. Selected to be the music leader for the retreat and learning that the theme was about unity in the Lord, I immediately thought how fitting it would be to write a song that represented exactly that.

With inspiration and influence from the scripture passages that rector Tom Lane chose to support his theme, I penned the song “One In The Spirit”. I’m thankful for how it turned out and thankful for the opportunity to have written the song. I still play it a few times a year at mass, when it fits the readings, and people seem to enjoy it.

The lyrics are below the recording…

We are one spirit, we are one spirit,
we are one body united in the Lord, we are
one spirit, we are one spirit,
we are one body united in Jesus Christ

Verse 1:
We aim to be holy, to be with the Father and Son
The Spirit guides our hearts and calls us to be one
Lord, we reach to know Your ways
we offer our everyday, for…


Verse 2:
All things are possible, through Christ who gives us grace
All good things come from You so we lift our voice in praise
Lord, we long to reside
in mercy’s overflowing tides, for…
